
Delivering Business Software Solutions


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Installation Manual

Software Installation
Database Installation
System Configuration

Version 5.0

Release Date: 20 January 2012

Customers with an existing installation please note:

The versaSRS v5.0.0 software supplied as part of this download package IS NOT an update or upgrade against your currently installed version. Ongoing software upgrades, and data retention, is only available to customers whom have purchased licenses and have an engaged and valid Software Support & Upgrade Insurance Package. Customers with such a package will be contacted by VersaDev directly - and will be provided with a dedicated Upgrade Package containing specific mechanisms - to enable them to upgrade their currently installed versaSRS database to be compatible with the v5.0.0 software release. If you currently have a pre-v5.0.0 installation of versaSRS - and do not have an engaged and valid Software Support & Upgrade Insurance Package - DO NOT proceed with this installation as IT WILL render your version unusable. Contact VersaDev Sales ( to enquire about upgrade options and services.


Technology used and minimum system requirements
Installing the versaSRS Application
Running the versaSRS installer wizard
Installing the versaSRS Database
Installing the versaSRS Mailing Services
Configuring the versaSRS Database Settings
Configuring the versaSRS Application Settings
License Activating versaSRS
Launching and Running versaSRS - First Time
Trouble Shooting FAQs
Default Application System Font
Managing & Configuring versaSRS Settings - POST INSTALLATION
System Configuration – ADVANCED
Setting the Authentication (login) mode for versaSRS
Configuring the Quick Launch Buttons
Configuring versaSRS for Inbound Email
Configuring versaSRS HelpDesk for Out-Bound Email
In-Bound and Out-Bound Email Troubleshooting

Technology used and minimum system requirements

versaSRS Technology

Hosting Requirements

When your company purchases versaSRS HelpDesk, VersaDev provides a ASP.Net application and a SQL Server database structure. Your company is responsible for providing the hosting server(s). Minimum hosting requirements are listed below:

* Microsoft Windows 7 or Vista are only suitable for evaluation purposes and single user instances. More than one user environments will require MS Windows Server 2008, 2003 or 2000.

Client Requirements

Installing the versaSRS Application

Unzip the contents of the Software Download Package to a folder or location on the Server where the versaSRS application is to be installed.

versaSRS is installed by means of a single wizard based installer and is named:


The most recent version of the versaSRS Software Package can be downloaded from the versaSRS website;

Important Note: If you will be installing versaSRS on either Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista or Windows 7 - please reference this KnowledgeBase Article (required changes to IIS settings) prior to running the versaSRS Installer Wizard;

Running the versaSRS installer wizard

Step 1: Welcome Screen. Click the NEXT button to start the installation process.
Step 2: Accept the License Agreement.
Step 3: Familiarize yourself with the System Requirements and Installation Notes.
Step 4: Complete the required User Information and User Installation Type.
Step 5: Use the Default installation destination folder path, or select a new folder path.
Step 6: Click NEXT to proceed with the intallation, or

Click BACK to re-enter and correct any installation information, or
Click CANCEL to cancel the installation process.

Step 7: View the README.HTM page on completion by clicking the FINISH button.

* Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 7 is only suitable for single user instances. More than one user environments will require MS Windows 2008, 2003 or 2000 Server. NOTE: the versaSRS installer needs to be run on the designated server where versaSRS is to be installed. Administrative privileges are required on the server/workstation to run the installer.

Installing the versaSRS Database

The versaSRS database is installed and configured by using the ‘versaSRS - System Management Console’ (versaSRS-SMC), which was installed by default during the versaSRS application installation.

The versaSRS-SMC for versaSRS is a stand-alone GUI desktop application, which allows System Administrators to effectively and easily manage many of the settings that control the behavior of the versaSRS application. The versaSRS-SMC should be used as the primary mechanism for continued configuration, management, and ongoing Updates to the versaSRS application and database.

Using the versaSRS-SMC to install the versaSRS Database

Step 1: To launch the versaSRS-SMC, select: START > Programs > VersaDev > versaSRS > versaSRS-SMC (right click and run as administrator).

Step 2: Select the New Installation Icon.
Step 3: Connection Tab. Enter the following:
Server Name Details

(SQL Server Express Installations may require the syntax ‘MACHINENAME\SERVERNAME’)
Login Credentials Details

Step 4: Click the 'Connect' button to connect to the SQL Server Database.
On successful connection the remainder of the panel will populate with connection information, including the Connection String and Connection Log information.

Step 5: Under the heading ‘Create new database for versaSRS’:
Click the 'Browse ...' button to locate the database creation file 'dbcreate'

Step 6: Under the heading 'SQL Database Scripts':
In the 'DB Name' box, either use the database name as shown, or define a different database name.

Step 7: Click the 'Execute' button to proceed and create the versaSRS database.

NOTE: If you receive a SQL timeout error for the tbl_Dictionary table please ok the message and continue with the installation steps. Knowledge Base article here

Installing the versaSRS Mailing Services

In order for versaSRS to accept inbound email and to be able to send email;

Note: These versaSRS Window Mailing Services can be installed and configured later - if you choose not to have Mailing services enabled initially.

Step 1: After installing the Database the versaSRS-SMC should automatically focus on the Mailing Services tab, if not, click the Mailing Services tab.

Step 2: Click the 'Browse ...' button to locate the Windows Services Installer File 'installsrs.cmd' (or installsrs_x86.cmd for 64bit).

Step 3: Click the 'Run' button to execute.

Configuring the versaSRS Database Settings

Step 1: Click the Database Settings Tab.
Step 2: Under the section 'versaSRS Application Configuration':

Click the 'Browse...' button to locate all of the versaSRS config files only if the location is different from the default path

(The config files are used to store the SQL Connection String to allow the application to connect to the database).

Click the 'Apply Changes' button.

Configuring the versaSRS Application Settings

Step 1: Click the Application Settings Tab.
Step 2: The Application Settings will be retrieved and displayed in the Tree View in the left panel.
Step 3: Ensure that the Database Connection String settings for "CRMDSN", "FCTDSN", "ContactLookupDSN", "versaSurveyDSN" and "VersaAssetsDSN" are defined correctly to match that of the versaSRS Application Database Connection String settings,
(the system will prompt you in Step 5 regarding these settings also).

Step 4: Select any other required Application Settings Value from the Tree View and make any necessary changes that correspond to the Application Setting selected, in the right panel.

Note: The Application Settings is where you will need to apply your Mailbox settings.

Step 5: Click the 'Apply All Changes' button to commit the changes and to set System Module DSN's and other components.

The versaSRS Application and Database are now installed, configured, and ready to be license activated and used.

License Activating versaSRS

On the web server where the versaSRS Application was installed - open your Web Browser and enter the URL addres; http://localhost/versasrs/

You will be presented with a License Notification screen like this:

Step 1: Click the button.
Step 2: In the next presented dialog box enter the versaSRS License Key you have been issued with.
Step 3: Click the button to launch versaSRS.

NOTE: If you do not get the License Notification page at all - it is likely that IIS has not been set up correctly; refer to the Trouble Shooting FAQ section for details.

Launching and Running versaSRS - First Time

After clicking the button from the previous screen, you will be presented with a Login Dialog.

Login with the following credentials:

Username: Administrator
Password: versasrs

versaSRS should now load and the Main Application screen will be presented.

If you experience a noticeable delay while the above pages load, please be aware that this is normal behaviour for a web application when it builds the application pages for the first time. Subsequent page loads thereafter will be much faster.

Trouble Shooting FAQ's

Q1. I get a Configuration Error when accessing http://localhost/versasrs/ stating;
Server Error in '/VersaSRS' Application.

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section 'connectionStrings'

Source Error:

Line 4: <add key="versaMenuLicenseKey" value="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" />
Line 5: </appSettings>
Line 6: <connectionStrings>
Line 7: <add name="SqlServerConnectionString" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Server=localhost; Database=versasrs; Integrated Security=SSPI;" />
Line 8: <!--<add name="SqlServerConnectionString" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="server=localhost;database=VERSASRS;uid=versasrs;pwd=Versa2008!"/>-->

Source File: C:\Program Files\VersaDev\VersaSRS\VersaSRS\web.config Line: 6

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version: (number here); ASP.NET Version:( number here)

A1. The web server has not been configured correctly. Make sure that the versaSRS folder in IIS is configured to use Microsoft .NET 4.0 - and not 1.1.x (as per the example above in bold) – also make sure that versaSRS is correctly configured as an application in IIS.

Q2. I get an IIS Metabase Error when accessing http://localhost/versasrs/ stating;
Server Error in '/VersaSRS' Application.

Failed to access IIS metabase.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironmentException: Failed to access IIS metabase.

The process account used to run ASP.NET must have read access to the IIS metabase (e.g. IIS://servername/W3SVC). For information on modifying metabase permissions, please see

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace: ...... etc .....

A2. This issue is not a versaSRS issue per se, but is however, as a result of ASP.NET not being configured or registered correctly on the server. Please refer to the following Forum Article for full details;

Default Application System Font

The default font used for versaSRS V5.0.0 is "Segoe UI". This font will already be installed on your machine if you are using Microsoft Windows Vista or have Microsoft Office 2007 installed.

If you are not using a Windows Vista workstation to access versaSRS HelpDesk or do not have Microsoft Office 2007 installed, it is recommended that you download and apply the Segoe UI font to your workstation for optimal display.

Instructions for installing the Segoe UI font:

(1) Download the Segoe UI font below
(2) Open Control Panel
(3) Click Fonts
(4) Drag the Segoe UI Font to the Fonts Folder.

Download Segoe UI Font here:

The Segoe UI font is copyrighted to Microsoft©

Managing & Configuring versaSRS Settings - POST INSTALLATION

Using the versaSRS-SMC to Manage & Configure versaSRS

Step 1: To Launch the versaSRS-SMC, select;

START > Programs > versaSRS > versaSRS-SMC (right click and run as administrator)

Step 2: Select the Configure Icon.
Step 3: Connection Tab. Enter the following:

Server Name Details
(SQL Server Express Installations may require the syntax 'MACHINENAME\SERVERNAME')

Login Credentials Details

Database Name

Step 4: Click the ‘Test Connection’ button to connect to the SQL Server Database.

On successful connection the remainder of the panel will populate with connection information, including the Connection String and Connection Log information.

Step 5: The following Tabs will now be available to you to configure and manage versaSRS HelpDesk:

  • Database Settings
  • Application Settings (see next section)
  • System Information

These Tabs and their respective components operate in the same manner as detailed in the previous sections.

The ‘Database Settings’ typically should not need to be changed or modified - unless you wish to re-install the Mailing Services, or need to change the Database Connection String (DSN).

System Configuration - ADVANCED

Application Settings

versaSRS allows for many and varied under-the-bonnet tweaks which can assist in making versaSRS work in a desired manner, and allow for site specific requirements in system behavior and usage.

These Application Settings are comprehensively managed using the versaSRS – System Management Console (versaSRS-SMC) – through the Application Settings Tab.

Changes to the versaSRS application settings through the versaSRS-SMC will not impact System User sessions, however, any changes will not be visible or available to System Users until the following is performed.

A System User with Administrator access, directly via the versaSRS application, needs to force a RELOAD of the Global Settings, to ensure that changes are applied to the Application Sessions.

This is achieved through the versaSRS Application Menu option; ‘Administrator > System Tools > System Info’, scroll to the bottom of this panel then click the ‘Reload Global Settings’ button.

System Users then need to either, Close and Re-Open versaSRS or Hard-Refresh their current versaSRS session by pressing CTRL+F5.

Setting the Authentication (login) mode for versaSRS

VersaDev supports a number of authentication options, which are globally set through the versaSRS ‘web.config’ file under the relevant section therein. By default the application is shipped to use Windows Based Authentication but can also be configured for Forms Based Authentication.

When adding system users into versaSRS, you will need to set up their username to be exactly the same as their windows login username (preferably without any domain prefix*).

The password field for each user must contain at least 1 character or a space (this will not actually be used as the user’s Windows password will be used instead).

When a user starts up versaSRS the system will then use their Windows credentials and will launch straight into versaSRS.

* Note: Domain prefixes can be accommodated for sites that use multiple domains, however, certain Application Setting variables need to be applied and configured. Please contact VersaDev Support for assistance in this area if your environment requires it.

Configuring the Quick Launch Buttons

The Quick Launch buttons (bottom left corner of application window) are configured via an XML file (CustomButtonBar.xml) located within the root directory folder of the application.

The XML file allows you to define 7 custom buttons as defined below:

<ButtonText>versaCRM</ButtonText> Button Display Text
<ButtonURL>http://localhost/versacrm</ButtonURL> URL to launch on button click
<ButtonTarget>rightFrame1</ButtonTarget> Target Window (see below)
<ButtonFeatures></ButtonFeatures> reserved
<ButtonCommand></ButtonCommand> reserved)
<ImageURL>images/reassign1.gif</ImageURL> URL to Button icon
<ImageMouseOver>versaCRM</ImageMouseOver> Button Mouse Over text (tool tip)

ButtonTarget values:

_blank Launch in new browser window
rightFrame1 Open in versaSRS List Panel
rightFrame2 Open in versaSRS System Tools Panel

The Quick Launch Buttons can be minimized by default via the web.config application setting of versaSRS:

<add key="ShowCustomButtonBar" value="1"/> value = 0|1 hide and show respectively.

Configuring versaSRS for Inbound Email

The versaSRSMailIn Windows Service is responsible for processing Inbound email.

In order for versaSRS to accept job submission via email, POP3 or IMAP enabled mailbox(es) are required - and the versaSRS Mailing Services also need to be installed, configured and running.

If the corporate mail server cannot support POP3 or IMAP, you can consider using an alternative mail server to support versaSRS inbound mail - Gmail, MailEnable or the mail server available with Windows 2003 Server could be used accordingly.

For Outbound Email from versaSRS - your corporate mail server to send email (SMTP - based) would be used.

OPTION 1 - SINGLE Mailbox (with optional multiple Email Aliases)

Step 1: Create or use an existing Primary Enabled Mailbox (for example,

Step 2: In versaSRS associate the required email address with a Queue. Through the versaSRS menu option, select 'Administrator > Manage System Queues', select the Queue to use (or create a new Queue or Queues as applicable) and click Edit. In the Primary Address field enter the appropriate Mailbox email address.

Step 3: Through the versaSRS - System Management Console, set the minimum Application Settings for:

MailboxPort    (if different than default)

to the necessary required settings appropriate for your environment.

Step 4: Stop and restart the versaSRS MailIn Service that is running on the Server. All incoming emails will be logged by default to this defined Primary Queue unless otherwise defined through other Application Setting preferences, or through the use of Routing Rules.

Should you wish to assign different email address to different Queues, for example, emails to to go into the Support Queue, emails to go to the Sales Queue, etc. then the following is required:

Step 1: Create email aliases against the Primary Mailbox - managed via and through your Mail Server (this is not managed or done through versaSRS).

Step 2: For each of the versaSRS Queues in question - through the versaSRS menu option Administrator > Manage System Queues - select the Queue in question and click Edit (or create a new Queue or Queues as applicable). Set the aliased email addresses created in Step 1 to those applicable Queues by assigning to the Primary Address field.

OPTION 2 - MULTI-MAILBOX - Multiple Mailboxes & Multiple Queues

Step 1: Create Mailboxes within your Mail Server for each versaSRS Queue you wish emails to be delivered to.

Step 2: Through the versaSRS menu option 'Administrator > Manage System Queues', select the Queue to use (or create a new Queue as applicable), then click the Edit button. In the Primary Address field enter the applicable email address.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 for each Queue as required.

Step 4: Through SQL Server Enterprise Manager or SQL Server Management Studio (depending on the version of MS SQL installed), open the Table named tbl_Mailboxes. Enter the required information for each of the Mailboxes as defined in Step 1. Ensure that the Status for each is set to 1 (Active).

Step 5: Through the versaSRS - System Management Console, set the Application Setting for:

MultiMailbox to Enabled
ApplyDefaultQueue to Disabled

Step 6: Stop and restart the versaSRS MailIn Service that is running on the Server.

Configuring versaSRS HelpDesk for Out-Bound Email

The versaSRSMailOut Windows Service is responsible for sending email.

Settings specific to this service are defined via the versaSRS system Application Settings. The values of these settings are defined via the versaSRS– System Management Console.

Step 1: Through the versaSRS - System Management Console set the minimum Application Settings for:

SMTP Server

to the necessary required settings appropriate for your environment.

Step 2: Stop and restart the versaSRS Mailout Service on the Server if you apply any changes to these settings.

In-Bound and Out-Bound Email Troubleshooting

In the simplest terms - versaSRS uses either POP3 or IMAP to receive email and SMTP to send email.

To assist with Email-In and Email-Out Troubleshooting - the versaSRS MailIn and MailOut Windows Services always generate log files - located within the c:\temp folder by default - and are named “versasrsmailinlog.txt” and “versasrsmailoutlog.txt”.

If the versaSRS Mailing Services are continually stopping, examine these files - using either Notepad or any other test editing software - to determine what the services are doing and if what errors have been encountered and recorded.

The versaSRS MailIn and MailOut Windows Services are designed to stop (after 3 subsequent retry attempts) if exceptions or errors are encountered that interfere or stop them from performing appropriately.

The versaSRS MailIn and MailOut Windows Services are extremely VERBOSE, and in most cases, will provide more than enough detail to allow you to determine problems and troubleshoot accordingly.

In addition to the above mentioned Log Files, a basic Telnet Test (removing versaSRS from the equation) should also be performed on the Server running the vesraSRS Windows Services to confirm that the server is able to perform the required email processes.

Standard Telnet Email Test

On the Server in question - from a command prompt type the following:

telnet host port# (then press enter)
Where host is the name or IP of Exchange Server and port#=110(default)

user username (then press enter)
Where username = username of the POP3 enabled mailbox
(this may be the alias name of the format MyDomain\MyUsername)

Pass password (then press enter)
Where password = account password

Note the message returned by telnet. If it reads "OK Successfully logged" then the versaSRSMailIn service configured with the same settings will work.

Once email in the defined mailbox(es) has been processed by the versaSRS MailIn Windows Service, it is deleted by default. If your business needs to retain copies of the originally receipted email we would recommend that you incorporate necessary Mail Server sided processes to create necessary copies, etc.

SMTP - Telnet Test

From a command prompt type the following:

telnet host port# (then press enter)
Where host is the name of the IP address of the Exchange Server and port# = 25 (default)

mail from: helpdesk@yourdomain (then press enter)

rcpt to: <your email>@yourdomain (then press enter)
Where <your email>@yourdomain is some other email to qualify if email was sent successfully.

data (then press enter)

Hi from Me (then press enter, full stop, enter to send the message)

If there were no errors, the MailOut service will be able to send email and is working correctly.


versaSRS comes pre-installed with one Queue (Team, Business Unit, Department, etc) and a number of Skill Groups slots to assist you with setting up your environment.

Just remember - these are just labels - and therefore can be configured and named to fit your business wording and nomenclature as required.

This default Queue and Skill Groups can be used as a template and guide to help you configure the system relevant to your business needs and operations. Alternatively if you wish to use the existing structure, simply rename to suit your business needs.

To understand how to setup and use versaSRS comprehensively, please reference the various resources available in the vesraSRS Online Help.

Additionally, you can resource Software Support by visiting the Support Portal, which can be accessed via the versaSRS menu option 'Help > versaSRS Support' or you may browse directly here;